Almighty God,
You have shown us that you are Love itself in the very act of creating us; you did not have to create anything.You have shown us that you are Love itself in the gifts you have given us and by which you have sustained us.You have made us to be like you, to be people of love.
Make us people of true love, love that is chosen and committed. In love, help us to choose patience, when we feel impatient. In love, help us to choose kindness, when we want to be unkind. Help us to be humble, when we want to be pompous and inflated. Help us to choose to love with tenderness, rather than hurt with rudeness. Help us to be generous, when we want to seek only our own interests. Help us to be gentle, when we want to be quick-tempered. Help us to forgive with love, when we want to brood over injury. Help us to find joy in truth rather than pleasure in wrong-doing.
Lord, give us strength to bear our burdens when we want to lay them down and quit. Guide us through our belief in the truth when others attempt to misguide us by deceit. And Lord, give us hope for a brighter future when all around us seems dark.
Lord, help us to endure the sufferings of this present life so that we may finally attain eternal life with you, who is God of Love, forever and ever.